Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Test Talk

I just received a new book I ordered called Test Talk: Integrating Test Prep into Reading Workshop. Most of you know that after 7 years in 2nd grade I am finally entering the world of standardized testing. I'm excited and nervous all at the same time. I my biggest fear is for me to teach my new 3rd graders an entire year only to have them fail their end of the year assessments. I can't wait to dive into it, after I finish with Vacation Bible School next week I intend to dive head first into this read. Have you read the book? Tell me what you think in a comment below!


  1. How did I not know you had a blog? I am a big fan of your website! You have a ton of amazing resources posted! I am excited to stay tuned for what is to come.


  2. I had never even heard of that book, but I'm going to have to check it out! It sounds awesome. I'm another 3rd grade teacher, so I can't wait to follow your blog.

  3. that book looks great! i think i'm going to order it myself. i'm glad you are moving to third grade :) i have loved visiting your site! i teach third as well. i was moved a year ago from 1st!

  4. Hey Ms Winston, I have read it and I loved it! I am embarking on a unit with my year 8 students (in Australia) to prepare them for our national testing at the beginning of next year. I will need to change some of the lessons to suit the age of my students. I am looking forward to it. :)
