Wednesday, February 15, 2012

God is Faithful!

As of 2-14-12 I am officially engaged! My boyfriend Javaid (pronounced David with a J) asked me to marry him. He made reservations at a local seafood restaurant for Valentine's Day. We ate dinner. After dinner he pulls out a poem "J is for the Joy you bring me, E is for the excitement..." By this time I'm cracking up laughing at the thought of him writing an acrostic poem using my name and it reminded me of when I was 13 and my friends did the same thing when I was moving away. After he got through the poem he handed me a BuildaBear that had a Tuxedo on it and the hand said "press here." So I pressed the hand and he had recorded his voice asking me to marry him. Then he pulled out the ring and of course I said yes! Javaid and I had been dating 15 months to the day and let's just say that's a long time when you're "doing it the right way, God's way." So we haven't set a date yet but I was thinking about a December wedding. God has answered my prayers once again and I look forward to worshipping him through my marriage.