Saturday, March 12, 2016

Spring Break Learning Opportunities

In two short weeks we'll be on Spring Break. I wanted to provide my students with optional learning opportunities but I didn't want to overwhelm them. I put together a couple of activities that I'll send home with them.
1. I purchased Amy Lemon's Student Reading Challenge from Teachers Pay Teachers. This reading challenge is a bucket list that students can complete during any of the school breaks.
2. I try to incorporate STEM activities into my classroom and ran across these "STEAM Break" activities on Teachers Pay Teachers... for FREE. They are from Digital Divide and Conquer, I love the PBL Units from this shop and was excited to see some STEM activities students could complete at home.
3. The last activity I included was a sheet with multiplication and division practice I found in my files.
All of these activities are optional, students do not have to complete them. I'll give out stickers for Super Improver Cards and probably put together some other prizes for students who choose to participate.  Do you send home activities for students to do during school vacations?