Monday, July 11, 2016

Made it Monday 7*11*16

Another Monday... another idea... we're just getting back in town from being in Havelock, NC for my husband's family reunion, I'm exhausted... that North Carolina heat is oppressive...I'm keeping it simple this week.
Road trippin' with husband...
Teach.Create.Motivate. Hydration Station
While exploring on Pinterest I ran across this pin and thought it was a great idea, a hydration station in the classroom! Why hadn't I thought of that? I allow my students to pretty much eat and drink whenever they want during the day but those nasty water bottle spills irk all my nerves! I have a pretty long counter space and have decided that the space next to my sink will now be our new Hydration Station. Students will house their water bottles in this space to free up space on their desk and avoid liquid disasters! Click the picture below if you'd like a copy for your classroom.

Hop on over to 4th Grade Frolics for more Made It Monday ideas!


  1. A Hydration Station is a must! Cute sign!

  2. Love the sign. I think I'll try having the kids keep their bottles in one place this year. Thanks for the idea!

  3. I was going to make one of these! It was on my "To Do" list. Thanks for taking it off for me! Have a HAPPY week!

  4. I love the sigh, I think I might add a low sided tray from the dollar store too, just in case there is a major spill, then I could just empty the spill into the sink! Thanks for being creative and sharing!

  5. Oh water bottles... so convenient, yet those spills! I'm going to need to set up a hydration station this year for sure! Thanks for a great idea!

  6. Thanks for the freebie sign. Great idea. Kathleen Kidpeople Classroom

  7. What a great idea! I don't know if this will be as effective in my room since I teach 6th graders and have 5 classes...bummer!

  8. That is a great idea! Thank you for the freebie sign! I like it being called a "hydration station."

  9. Thanks for the sign. My colleague has tubs set up in the back of the classroom to hold the water bottles and this would spruce it up nicely. Thank you for sharing.

  10. Cute sign! Great idea! Thank you for linking up:)

  11. Cute sign. I know how it is. I had my students keep their water bottles on the window sill to keep the spills in one area. Thanks for sharing.
    Mrs. Kempa's 5th Grade Class
