Monday, September 12, 2016

Presidential Cookie Contest

During the 2008 Election my teammates and I decided to hold an election using the Presidential Cookie Recipes from Family Circle.
Here's a picture of the team election bulletin board.
2nd Grade Election Results

Cookie A Recipe- Michelle Obama

Cookie B Recipe- Cindy McCain
I had such a blast doing this that I had to do it with my 3rd graders in my new school back in 2012. I've created a document with the recipes and ballots. Last time I had 4 parent volunteers make the cookies and send them in. Each student got one of each cookie and marked their choice on the ballot. They placed the ballots in a ballot box and the teachers tallied them over night. The teachers annouced the winners the next day. *Beware of food allergies!*
The recipes for this year have been posted on the Family Circle website, click here for your very own copy.
Do you think you'll use this idea in your classroom? What other election activities are you doing?

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Classroom Tour 16-17

This is me before Open House, outfit courtesy of Lane Bryant!
Welcome Bunting
Instead of calling them Brag Tags, I settled on Smart Tags since our school motto is "Coal Miners are SMART." This is where students will store their brag tags through out the week. They can wear them on Fridays.
Guided Reading Area, Fiction and Nonfiction Posters courtesy of "A Year of Many Firsts."
Students will store their water bottles to the left of the sink, under the Hydration Station poster.
Construction paper storage, weekly subject copy drawers and brag tags.
Here are all 108 set of brag tags, in all their glory, took all summer to laminate, cut out and punch holes in!
Teacher toolbox and storage containers. I don't have an official teacher desk so I store all my items here.
Anchor Chart Wall
Cubby Area
Storage and Library Area
Workstations, Library Area, Storage
Desk Area... see my glowing Essential Oil Diffuser... my new favorite item!
Learning Targets, Rules, Whiteboard
Decided to do a selfie theme for my classroom wish list this year.
Schedule, Hand Signals, Super Improver Wall
Writing area, #thirdgrade door.... I intend to use my new fancy Polaroid Zip to take photos of the students in the classroom and put them on the door.
View from the door.
SMORE Folder, Parent Flipbook, Chevron Water Bottle for each student, mini water bottle for the parents.
There you have it, my classroom set up for this year. I hope to focus in and blog about each area weekly.