Sunday, October 23, 2016

Parent Teacher Conference Form

It's been a busy start to the school year, but then again, isn't it always. I've enjoyed getting to know this group of third graders, I must say they're a fun bunch and they talk a lot have great communication skills!
Last week I held my very first Parent Math Night thanks to my Team BFF. It was her idea, all I did was tweak the Powerpoint and add some cute graphics to the information packet. 
In the midst of getting ready for that I started Parent Conferences. I'm that teacher that likes to schedule them three weeks out from actual conference day, that way I have time on conference day to work in my classroom. As of now I only have 5 that day and my last one ends at 11:20am, I have an entire afternoon to get work done!

I've had several requests for my conference form so I thought I'd share it here, feel free to tweak it as it directly relates to my district requirements. 

I hope to get back to my regular blogging schedule. I've got some amazing ideas to share, I just need the time to blog about them.