Sunday, September 17, 2017

Survived BTSN

Well, I've survived the first two weeks of school and our annual Back to School Night! I've been doing great with the goals I set for myself... except for goal #3, which is to leave school after the buses pull out. But I guess late nights are to be expected the first couple of weeks of school. But now that BTSN is over, I'll definitely be leaving by 4:15pm each day!
Me... rocking Back to School Night!
Speaking of BTSN, here's a photo of what I had waiting for parents on their child's desk. 
  • Food Permission Slip
  • Movie Permission Slip
  • Learning Handbook (a copy of all study guides for the year spiral bound into a book)
  • Parent Handbook (policies and procedures of our classroom)
  • Student Log In Card for access at home
  • "Pineapple of my Eye" paper for parents to write a note to their child on (Ford's Board)
student desk
I thought I share a couple more photos from our classroom so far.
We read The Potato Chip Champ by Maria Dismondy and completed a writing activity from Stories by Storie
We talked about mathematicians and completed an activity from Amy Lemons
My students have been earning Smart Tags and stickers on their Super Improver Cards
Here are some of our Anchor Charts that we've created.
Our "Stuck? Try 2 Before Me" Poster. Christina Bainbridge had this as a handout but I made it into an anchor chart for our classroom.
So that's what we've been up to in room 303, hope to share more photos next week!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, my goodness you have been busy! I love the strategies for when students get stuck. I hope your students loved The Potato Chip Champ activities.
