Sunday, September 22, 2019

Google Keep... the Gamechanger!

Screenshot of Google Keep on my Computer
When I was going through my Google Certification I remember doing a module on Google Keep. However, at the time, I didn't see the value in the application. 

Then I ran across a Tweet on Twitter where someone was sharing about it. I decided right then, I needed this Google Application in my life! Opening this new school has been an absolute whirlwind! When I tell you I was NOT READY... I was NOT READY! So this came a time when I desperately needed to "get my life togetha". 

A teammate commented that I seem "to be on top of things." I told her it was definitely an illusion cause I most certainly am not, but, I am much more organized with this app. 

I love the fact that I can have it on my phone and on my computer and it updates in real time. When ever I think of something I'm either near my computer or phone so it works out, I add it to a list and keep it moving. I review my lists daily to see what I can check off and what I need to check off. 

Now... I chose to purchase these cute little Google Keep Headers from "a small world called kindergarten" however she has a free set that you could use as well. With the paid set she gives a template to create your own and that's what I did with my Weekly Tasks. I have it "pinned" at the top and each week I check off my weekly tasks as I complete them and then over the weekend, I uncheck them and start all over. 
So if you're looking to get your life organized, I totally recommend this Google App. Do you need the cute little headers? No. But they make me happy when I see them so it was worth it for me!

Classroom Tour 19-20

Back to School Night
Name Bunting in the Hallway (lowkey mad I don't have a bulletin board or strips!)
At Open House I provided parents with the Parent Flipbook I make every year and I gave my students my favorite treats, Cheryl's Cookies! I also provided a communication folder for my students again this year. 
At Back to School Night I provided parents a handbook outlining the policies and procedures of our classroom as well as a learning handbook with study guides I created for all of our standards. 
View from the door. 

Just a few of our anchor charts from the beginning of the year. 
This Promethean Panel is the coolest, I went from having only a projector at my last school to this!

SWAG Tags (Brag Tags)
Small Group Area
View from Small Group Area

We read The Bad Seed and talked about Growth Mindset
Super Improver Wall and Swag Tag Necklaces
Books with a Common Theme
I love the fact that my class is 1:1
Picture Book Baskets, Word Wall

It's taken me a few weeks but I was finally able to take photos of my classroom. I totally underestimated the physical toll opening this new school would have on my body. I've learn to live and manage my chronic pain condition however I can say that every day for the last 19 days I've been in my school... have been filled with pain. Whether it's pain related to my condition or just my feet, legs, lower back pain. I feel like I never sit down and my new school is HUGE teachers are clocking 15,000-18,000 steps a day. I'm hoping things will begin to settle down soon until then, I'm hanging in there!