Saturday, October 31, 2020

Classroom Tour 20-21

I never thought I'd be wearing a face mask and shield to teach in... but here I am!

I can't believe it's been 6 months since I last blogged. My school system started off the year with virtual learning and then slowly phased students back into in person learning using a hybrid approach. I have 10 students on Mondays/Tuesdays and 7 students on Thursday/Friday. On Wednesdays, the schools are deep cleaned between cohorts.

Because of social distancing, there are no rotations in my classroom so each child has a Station Basket for the week. I disinfect materials between cohorts. Each basket has the same type of activities just different topics. I took all my math and literacy stations and split them up to create the baskets. 

This is their supply basket. They keep it in the desk on the days they are at school and in their cubbies on days they are not. I created Learning Handbooks of all our VA Standards and they have Math Fact Fluency Folders and Sight Word Folders as well. 

On days my students are at home, I sent home packets that list their computer, packet and guided reading assignments. 

I finally but together my Super Improver Board along with my student's Swag Tags. They are so excited about this!

I've made it through the 1st quarter, 5 weeks of virtual learning and 3 weeks and counting for hybrid instruction. My report cards are finished and my professional goals complete. I'm trying to stay on top of everything so I don't get overwhelmed. How is your year going so far?

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