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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Books to Teach Reading Strategies

So I have a list of books for reading strategies listed here, but I thought I'd share the books that I actually use each year. Do you have an Ollies Bargin Outlet in your area? Well that is where I buy 70% of my books I use to teaching reading strategies with, most of the time it's not popular literature but it's great literature and the students haven't heard the story before! Leave a comment with your favorite teaching book.

The Emperor's Egg- Martin Jenkins
Deep in the Swamp- Donna Bateman
Making Connections: there are literally tons of books that can be used for making connections to self, world and text. Here are my ones for text to text connections.
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs/Pickles to Pittsburgh- Judi Barrett
Too Many Frogs/What a Party- Sandy Asher
Amazing Grace/Boundless Grace/Princess Grace- Mary Hoffman
Jimmy's Boa Ate the Wash/ Jimmy's Boa Bungee Jump Slam Dunk- Trinka Nobel
The Gruffalo- Julia Donaldson
Lily Brown's Paintings- Angela Johnson
The Salamander Room- Anne Mazer
Questioning: again there are literally tons of books that can be used for questioning but this is my favorite it!
Tuesday- David Weisner
The Black Snowman- Phil Mendez
The Story of Ruby Bridges- Robert Coles
Lucky Pennies and Hot Chocolate- Carly Sheilds
The Frog Prince Continued- Jon Scieszka
The Nutty Nut Chase- Kathryn White
Seven Blind Mice- Ed Young
My Lucky Day- Keiko Kasza
Where are you going Manyoni?- Catherine Stock
Tadpole's Promise- Jeanne Willis
When the Leaf Blew In- Steve Metzger
Ming Lo Moves the Mountain- Arnold Lobel
There Was an Old Lady Series- Lucille Colandro
Dear Mr. Blueberry- Simon James
Wolf!-Becky Bloom
Testing Miss Malarkey- Judy Finchler


  1. What a great idea! I'm sure you'll get a wonderful collection!

    My favorite for predicting is "The 13th Clue" by Ann Jonas

    And... for making connections my favorite, favorite two books are "Love the Baby" by Steven Layne and "Otto Grows Down" by Michael Sussman. These books pair perfectly together for text-to-text connections but are also outstanding stand along texts for making text-to-self connections. And "Love the Baby" is soooooo fun to read if you exaggerate the refrain of the book! When my kids borrow it, I tell them they have to read it exactly like I do and it's so fun to listen to them! :)

    I can't wait to follow up on this post and see everyone's great ideas!

    Mrs. Bainbridge's Blog

    I think I'm tired. I just typed "Mrs. Bainbridge's CLOG"! HA!

  2. I love seeing what teachers recommend for their mentor books for specific skills! Thanks! :) I just started out here yesterday and have decided to follow you!

    ( and

  3. I love your list! My favorite for teaching inferencing is Tight Times by Barbara Shook Hazen.

    Third Grade Bookworm

  4. Thanks for the list! ;) I look forward to using some of these book titles this year! yay!
    Another good book for visualizing is "If i built a car" by Chris Dusen. My students loved this book last year!


  5. I have been looking for a list like this!!
    Thank you so much for sharing.

    Love, Hugs, and Ladybugs

  6. Do have a list for teaching Nonfiction as well?
