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Tuesday, August 23, 2016

The Teaching Oasis

The Teaching Oasis was started in 2010 after my father passed away. I started creating and selling resources as a way to cope with the grief I was experiencing. In January of 2013, I decided to turn it into a nonprofit and started offering all of my resources to teachers across the country for free.

Continuing to pay for a web domain and hosting was no longer feasible. But still wanting to share as much as I can, I decided to load everything from (now inactive) into folders on Google Drive (now inactive)

Unfortunately, Google Drive has changed the way it shares documents. I get hundreds of requests every week for access to documents that, in the past, had a direct link where you could download it with no issues. I've done some research for a free database I could use to continue to share my work, however, I haven't been able to find a web document hosting platform that doesn't require a paid subscription.

Over the next few months... many months, I'll be transferring the documents over to Teachers Pay Teachers so that there can be a more reliable way to access the resources. Here's the link: free to bookmark it and share it with others!